An intern gains nutrition work experience in Peru by planning and presenting at a workshop on healthy foods.

Nutrition Internship in Peru

Help rural communities in Peru live healthier lives to reduce malnutrition, and add overseas experience to your CV

In een oogopslag

Join our Nutrition internship in Peru and get practical experience working alongside nurses. Your work will be part of our efforts to help people with problems like malnutrition. You’ll also help with raising awareness in rural areas.

Children in rural communities remain the most common victims of malnutrition. Low-income families often resort to cheap, unhealthy diets, which results in high levels of malnutrition. You will visit families during home-to-home visits and deliver presentations to vulnerable groups. You can also help us continue our research to improve health in disadvantaged communities.

You’ll be based in Cusco, a city where the ancient Inca Empire once ruled. We encourage you to use your free time to explore and learn about the local culture.



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17of ouder
You need to speak intermediate Spanish.

Is the Nutrition internship in Peru right for me?

If you would like to gain first-hand nutritional experience in a developing country while making a difference to local communities, this Nutrition Internship in Peru is for you. You will be able to work with professionals and learn from their years of experience in nutrition, adding relevant experience to your CV.


This internship also lets you reach out to vulnerable groups who suffer from consequences of malnourishment. Share knowledge that will inspire people to change their habits for improved living for many years


You need to have finished high school to join this internship. You must also be able to communicate in Spanish on an intermediate level, because you give presentations in Spanish as part of your work.


You can join a nutrition placement in Peru at any time of year, but please note that some of the organisations we work with are closed between January and March.

What do you do on the Nutrition internship in Peru?

You will gain nutrition work experience in Peru, by working with nutrition experts to raise awareness in local communities of the importance of healthy diets. Your project work can include the following activities:

  • Improve maternal and infant health through educational courses with mothers
  • Conduct home visits for health checks in local communities
  • Develop nutritional educational materials to improve knowledge and awareness
  • Empower local people to live healthier lives
  • Do research into improving nutrition in Peru

Your work will be split in five main areas:

Improve maternal and infant health through educational courses with mothers

Build relationships with mothers and their children through conversations and home visits, so that young children develop with healthy diets and lifestyles.

Conduct home visits for health checks

During home visits, you’ll distribute educational materials to help people improve nutrition. You’ll explain why healthy diets are important and what they can do to eat better. You’ll also share how to identify signs of malnourishment.

In the communities you visit, you‘ll also give presentations and run workshops. The goal of these sessions is to share knowledge of healthy meals, anaemia prevention, effective teeth cleaning and hand-washing.

Empower communities to live healthier lives

You will get to spend time with more focused groups, like high risk youth and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers. Share, for example, tips on correct micronutrient intake, healthy hygiene practices, and dietary guidelines for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Further reasearch in nutrition

Depending on your level of experience or interest, you can play a key role in expanding on the nutrition research we do. This research focuses on identifying disorders in children. You’ll develop materials to address these disorders, and measure the progress of the ongoing programme. Some of these programmes were implemented by the Peruvian Ministry of Health.

Build eco-gardens

You can be involved in building and maintaining eco-gardens in the communities you visit and reach out to.

Where do you work on the Nutrition internship in Peru?


You’ll work in rural communities in and around the city of Cusco. The city is surrounded by lush green mountainous landscapes where llamas roam freely. You’ll also spend time in farming villages and other outlying communities during home visits.

Cusco was once the capital of the ancient Incan Empire, and is a World Heritage Site today. The city is lined with cobblestoned roads and beautiful architecture. Try out delicious soups for lunch and sharpen your Spanish skills with street vendors.

Luchthaven transport, vluchten en visums

Na aankomst op de vooraf bepaalde luchthaven, zal een medewerker van Projects Abroad je persoonlijk opwachten. Meer informatie over de verschillende luchthavens, oriëntatie en visums kun je op onze Peru Aankomstprocedure pagina terugvinden.

Typical day at your Nutrition placement in Peru

You will travel to communities around Cusco, reaching out to people where they live. Many mornings are spent going house-to-house, sharing important nutritional information with mothers, children, and other members of local communities. Spend time in conversation with people to discover the realities causing malnourishment, and provide valuable information to help people adjust their lives.

You can dedicate afternoons to preparing workshop presentations. Put together materials that you will hand out during your house-to-house visits or use in presentations, such as posters. Show local people what healthy meals look like, tell them how to prevent anaemia, how to properly clean teeth, and wash hands.

As part of your research into malnourishment, you will perform tasks like measuring and weighing babies to assess the level of health in the communities you visit.

During your evenings, spend time with your fellow volunteers, learning about each other’s home countries and cultures, and exchange stories about your days of work and adventure.

Peru is an adventurer’s heaven. During your weekends, you can explore some of the best hiking trails in the world, enjoy water rafting in the Urubamba River, or visit the enigmatic Nazca Lines.

Aims and impact of the Nutrition internship in Peru

The main aim of the project is to improve the maternal, infant and young child nutritional status in Peru. Malnutrition remains a persistent and serious problem in Peru, in particular for poorer or more rural communities, and needs serious attention.

In Peru, malnutrition amongst babies and children remains a serious issue, particularly in rural families with lower income. These families tend to have more children (5-6 in a family), sell nutritious food crops and consume foods with lower nutritional value (e.g. instant noodles). This results in a higher rate of malnutrition among children. In some areas of the country, as many as 40% of children suffer from stunting.

Through outreach work and an emphasis on education, this internship allows you to improve the health standards of vulnerable groups, particularly those living in rural communities.

We have committed to four goals, as outlined in our Medical Management Plan:

  • Encourage an understanding of medical practices and promote an exchange of medical knowledge
  • Improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients
  • Improve access to basic healthcare to disadvantaged groups
  • Improve hygiene standards

Join us in Peru and be part of our efforts improve nutrition in disadvantaged communities.

Vrijwilligerswerk voor professionals

Dit project is ook geschikt voor getrainde professionals. Ondersteun onze duurzame projecten met jouw ervaring en help om samen een nog groter verschil te maken. We zorgen ervoor dat je terechtkomt op een project dat volledig bij je past.

Je kunt jouw kennis en vaardigheden delen met anderen. Werk samen met partnerorganisaties en lokale gemeenschappen om een duurzame ontwikkeling op te zetten.

Heb je specifieke vaardigheden en kwalificaties, dan kun je meer lezen over het toepassen jouw professionalisme bij Projects Abroad.

Management plans

We hebben onze doelen en belangen van onze projecten uitgeschreven in onze Management Plans. Op deze manier kunnen we uitgebreid plannen welk werk moet gebeuren op elk project. Het helpt ook om het werk te meten en te evalueren wat we elk jaar bereikt hebben.

Het is uiteindelijk de bedoeling dat onze Management Plans de projecten effectiever maken. Je gaat daardoor deel uitmaken van een duurzaam project dat impact heeft waar het echt nodig is. Lees meer over onze Management Plans.

Onze impact

Onze projecten zijn opgesteld voor de lange termijn, en er worden elk jaar specifieke doelen vooropgesteld. Elke vrijwilliger en stagiaire helpt met het behalen van deze doelstellingen, hoe lang ze ook helpen op onze projecten.

Elk jaar evalueren we de voortgang in het behalen van de doelstellingen. Daarom hebben we een Global Impact Report opgesteld waar we al onze verwezenlijkingen verzamelen. Kom meer te weten over de impact die onze internationale groep vrijwilligers, stagiaires en staff hebben gemaakt en lees het laatste nieuwe rapport.

Maaltijden en accommodatie

Je gaat bij een gastgezin verblijven in Cusco. Zij verwelkomen je met open armen in hun huis en delen graag de lokale gewoontes en cultuur met je. Dit is de beste manier om jezelf volledig onder te dompelen in de cultuur van Peru en een unieke ervaring te beleven.

We proberen ervoor te zorgen dat je met minstens een andere Projects Abroad vrijwilliger of stagiaire verblijft bij het lokale gastgezin. Jouw kamer is bescheiden maar comfortabel, proper en veilig.

De kostprijs van het project is inclusief drie maaltijden per dag.

Lees meer over onze accommodatie.

Weekend en vrijetijdsactiviteiten

Peru biedt een hoop aan activiteiten voor elk type vrijwilliger. Heb je interesse in kunst, cultuur, geschiedenis of natuur, Peru kan het allemaal aanbieden!

Een van de grootste bezienswaardigheden in Peru is de Inca en Maya geschiedenis. De archeologische plaatsen zoals Coricancha, Tambomachay en niet te vergeten, Machu Picchu.

In het weekend kun je het dorp van Pisac bezoeken en wandelen door de textiel marktjes. Vergeet ook niet de vele llamas en alpacas te groeten!

De verschillende delicatessen, zoals ceviche, kun je proberen tijdens een vrije avond, in het weekend, samen met de andere vrijwilligers.

We hebben verschillende vrijwilligersprojecten beschikbaar in Peru waar je verschillende vrijwilligers gaat ontmoeten. Je kunt er samen op uit gaan als groep of op je eentje Peru verkennen.

Veiligheid en ondersteuning

Jouw veiligheid heeft onze hoogste prioriteit. We hebben verschillende procedures opgezet zodat jouw ervaring in het buitenland zorgeloos en veilig verloopt. Onze Projects Abroad staff is 24/7 beschikbaar, zowel door de week als tijdens het weekend, om je te ondersteunen en begeleiden. Zij zorgen ervoor dat jij je altijd veilig en comfortabel voelt. Mocht je ergens tegenaan lopen, dan zijn ze altijd beschikbaar om je te helpen.


Lees meer over veiligheid en ondersteuning.

Bij jouw inschrijving vragen we een aanbetaling te doen van slechts €295, wat wordt afgetrokken van de totaalprijs.

Wil je graag meer dan een project doen? Bel ons dan op 049 7799909 en we kijken graag of een korting mogelijk is.

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